Better Custom Classes for Gutenberg
The custom class input for Gutenberg leaves a lot to be desired…
This simple plugin adds a tag-style interface wrapper that lets you add and manage custom classes in a much easier and less error-prone way.

Now with autocomplete!
The latest version of Better Custom Classes now offers the ability to “star” classes in order to have them remembered and autocompleted on other blocks.
Get the plugin now
You can grab the code for this plugin from my github today!
This plugin is an experimental plugin distributed as-is. Future versions may change significantly and the plugin may not be tested on your version of WordPress.
That said, this plugin simply adds a UI wrapper to custom class functionality. No changes are made to block save functions. This means the plugin can be deactivated/activated at anytime and all classes will continue to behave as normal.
Please feel free to report any issues/bugs.