Better Custom Class Management in Gutenberg
Recently I’ve been working on some WordPress projects that use utility class libraries like bootstrap and Tailwind css, this often means applying some custom classes within the Gutenberg…
Ultimate Guide to WordPress Gutenberg Theme Development with Tailwind.css
I’ve been a huge fan of tailwind since it came out, but with recent updates like default “just-in-time” mode and css purging, I think its a no-brainer use…
Customizing the core buttons block in WordPress Gutenberg as a theme developer
Gutenberg’s core/button block has been one of the more frustrating aspects of block editor for theme developers because of all the options it gives users, particularly if you…
Styling themes and blocks with the WordPress Theme.json File
With the latest version of WordPress even more power has been shifted from the traditional add_theme_support to the theme.json file. For theme developers new to Gutenberg his can…